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AEF Services
Riding Rehab of Sport Horses
Horse Consignment
Full, half & Basic Care options.
(all prices do not include board or graining)
Riding rehab for Sport horses. $850/month
Consignment program. $850/month. (Includes graining & all advertising.)
Full Training. Lessons & training. (around 16 services a month) $775/month. (Includes blanketing & training at horse shows.)
Half Training. Lessons & training (around 8 services a month) $400/month
Basic Service- Turnouts, blanketing, & overall management $150/month
Blanketing $85/month
Bemer $180 for Monthly service.
Bemer $80 one weekly session/month
Horse Shows $200 for the weekend. Warm ups & course walks.
Single Day help at shows $75
Horse Show Splits- split between all horses attending off property events.

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